Posts Tagged ‘SEO’

It has been several years since my last post here. Google killed guest blogging and knocked down traffic to some of my favorite pest control blog sites in the process. So I abandoned my writings that were destined to fall to the back pages of the index where no human eyes would find them. Is there value for writing just for the bots? Is there hope for human connection when rankings will not be had? Alas… is SEO dead?

SEO in 2017

Oddly, I found myself explaining SEO to developer yesterday. And it was refreshing to realize how alive and well the need for SEO still is. Sure the tactics and practices have adjusted but the SEO foundation and work remain largely the same. Perhaps this is even more so the reason for me leaving this site destitute for so long. The excitement and newness was gone. It had become very mundane. Plus with the lack of readers, believers, and other practitioners to cheer me on, the blogging ceased. But I will tell you this, there is still much you may learn from this blog and the posts of the SEO past. Knowing where we came from will help you understand where we are today.

The 6 Keys to SEO that will remain

1 – Content – As the saying goes “Content is King”. While this may still be arguable, it is still relevant. The words, the images, the videos, are the content that makes your website worthy of human eyes. Not to say that all content worthy of being seeing will be seen. I do say, that once seen the content will carry it forward to be seen more or fizzle and die out to be rarely seen again. Content is what people come to consume. If not worthy of consumption, if not easily digestible then content should rot.

2 – Mark-up –  Most markup is hidden from humans. Markup is the code that speaks to bots so they can process, define, format, and present. I include in this meta tags, headers, titles, and most of all Schema (or the next iteration of structured data). In fact, markup may already be on its way out. I’d suggest looking into JSON mark up. The internet of things is only made possible by a structured universal language to identify those things, that language is primarily for computer eyes only and is called markup.

3 – User Experience – Humans still need to connect with humans. When it comes to webpages the experience for users most be pleasant so that users will return and bring more users. This includes users of all device sizes, browser types, and sensory shapes. As human expectations change so will user experience. Search bots now make snap judgements based on site speeds, layout of rendered pages, and placement of useful elements on the page. Does your website protect users with its terms of service? Are users secure and computer connecting safe from viruses? Your site will be judged and ranked accordingly.

4 – Keywords – Keywords are the bases for intent. Connecting complimentary intents means pairing a music buyer with a music seller. If the immediate intent is to hire a pest control service then a user won’t likely order a pizza if sent to Papa John’s instead of Bulwark Exterminating. Therefore, understanding and expressing what your website page intends to do (provide pest control in Austin) will help a search engine provide the right results for its users who live in Austin that want to “get rid of scorpions”. Bridging that gap is understand what searches want when they enter a keyword phrase in relation to the keywords targeted by a web page.

5 – Links – Well you can’t just trust any old website on the internet these days. Links are like votes. And popular votes count on the internet. Hence, links will always be a factor in which site to trust and which to not trust. Links today are more loosely defined as mere mentions will cause connections. A phone number can easily be an identifiable link to a specific company. The content surrounding those links builds relevance. If you search for Thomas Ballantyne you will find Bulwark Exterminating in the results and few hyperlinks to Bulwark actually carry the anchor text of “Thomas Ballantyne”. So links and anchor text still matter and will always matter.

6 – Search Engines – Needless to say, that search engine optimization is wholly reliant on search engines existing and being used. But search engines will never go away. Search Engines have grounded their roots in human psyche as follows; to find and learn, to ask and be entertained, to express needs with desires of being filled, to hunt and gather information, and to conquer life. The search engine provides. The Search Engine engages and drives human activity.  Forever more will there be a bot that will search, find, and organize the information world for human consumption. And with that bot, there will be those that seek to provide content for consumption.

3 of My Latest Tips and Secrets of 2017 SEO

1 – History – One of the biggest secrets I have is that history counts. The longer you stay online, the more history you gain. The longer you carry a keyword ranking the better chance you have to keep that ranking going forward. If you have a bad history, it will hurt you. So be consistent with who you say you are and who you really are. Your History makes your Reputation. Reputation is trust. Trust is currency. It is your currency to buy visitors and to gain customers.

2 – Build it right from the start– Let’s say you have a niche that hasn’t broken into the online world yet. (Still happens, as I found out when building a house. Try finding a Phoenix Framer). Being first to break out online gets you results and fast, just for being first. But you are the only runner, so being first in a race of one doesn’t mean you ran a good race. However, if you start racing now and really work at being a top racer, when others join you will have the history and experience to compete. Plus, it can be a distance race. Bulwark in Austin has over 400 online reviews in Google alone, that puts some distance between us and someone starting now. Build your website right from the start and you get distance and not just first place in a one man race.

3 – Visible Reputation Trumps Ranking – 5 little gold stars can take more traffic than the top ranked on the page. A bad reputation on the first page can lose your site traffic when people search for your company by name. And when it comes down to it, people won’t buy if they can’t trust you. Visible reputation can go into how your site simply looks even if you did rank #1 for SEO.


Well it feels good to blog again. SEO is alive and well. Your views, shares, and comments are appreciated and help drive more posts and more conversations.

When will this link thing in SEO end? Will it ever end? One thing is for sure, there are a lot of guys still trying to get links. So today I give you a copy of an email sent to me by an SEO company offering their services.



Dear Webmaster,


I manage several high reputation affiliate websites and would like to offer you a contextual link exchange deal, which can be done in several ways:

1) Content in exchange for links:

As a company which provides accurate content to our partners, we are now offering to provide you with FREE, relevant and original content articles at any requested field (we have dedicated content writers for this purpose). In exchange we only require 2 text links from each published article for as long the article is published and at the minimum of 2 years. Each article will have a unique content, will be only used only once and will never be given to any of our other partners.

2) Exchange of contextual links:

A simple exchange of links from within relevant text on various pages of our websites. The key words will be pre-selected. We can negotiate the number and quality of pages in which the links will be created.

3) “Partner Page” links:

A very basic level of link exchange, this way we can still establish long-term relevant links, but with lower SEO exposure.


Thanks & Regards,


Marketing Manager

Providing services since 1996 



HELLO! He is a spammer. Do you expect anything more than spammy links?

As tempting as it may seem, guys that spam your inbox probably aren’t the most diligent hard working individuals. They want the quick hit and runs. They want the easy way out. They look at mass numbers. You may get a lot of links, but link volume isn’t everything. The days of massive link volumes are gone. You want quality links not quantity of links.


Yes you’ve got SEO Skillz… Don’t let it go to your head.

Hey it’s Friday!… Just keeping it real.

First Day at Ranked Hard, SEO Comic

First Day at Ranked Hard, SEO Comic (Photo credit: ByronShell)

Enhanced by Zemanta

This Christmas season seems to only mean more, and more, and MORE, EMAIL SPAM!

Call me Mr. Scrooge, but I am sick and tired of emails about the LAST MINUTE DEALS, BUY NOW HOLIDAY SAVINGS, AND 1 MORE DAY TO SHIP FOR CHRISTMAS… BAH! Hum BUG

All this email spam is running my day… So this guy gets the heat, a Mr. Paul Schmitt wants to increase my Google Rank. Oh very clever using the name Schmitt and Google together. I don’t know but it seems to have a familiar


My good friend Dan recently launched a very sweet SEO plugin I have ever got my hands on, its called Keyword Winner!

As you type to create a headline in your blog post, the results automatically display making it easier for you to get instant SEO Stats so that you can choose the best headline based on its competitive nature and search trend each time.

The information is there at your finger tips making it easier to target the right headlines and rank to the 1st page of Google easily.

See it here:

Less competitive phrases are highlighted green, and more competitive phrases are highlighted red. You will get an instant drop down with up to 10 suggestions on other keywords!

This is one of the easiest to use SEO Plugins in history and is already revolutionizing the way we do SEO today!

Be The first to take advantage of this and see watch your headlines soar to the top and watch your competitors drop!

Get 1st Page for non competitive highly searched headlines guaranteed

Cheers To And Your Success,

Paul Schmitt


SMX- Matt Cutts Panda & Google Shoes

Matt Cutts Panda & Google Shoes

Now I didn’t actually bother to click on the link as I don’t want to encourage this spammer to send more spam. And I am pretty sure that writing crap content about a non related subjects isn’t going to do me much for ranking these days. And the sheer fact that you are using email spam tells me that I don’t want your type of SEO, Mr. Article Star. What I can deduce from your email is that you are most likely an article spam farm. Which tells me that you are being hunted by the Kung Fu Panda.

And I am here to do whatever I can do to help eliminate pest like you.

The Pest Control Guy.

Social media platforms are constantly put in head to head comparisons. So when Mat Siltala from Dream Systems Media did a post about his scorpion sting on all 3 social media platforms simultaneously, the intuitive nature of Mat kicked in. Between Facebook, Google+, and twitter, which platform would be most responsive to a post about scorpion stings? What would be your guess? The results may surprise you a bit.

Google+ Count

Have Matt in circles (2158) – That is a fairly good audience. Google+ is fresh. It’s the new upbeat social hang out. One could speculate that it has more real users… or not. But Google didn’t take the cake for Mat’s scorpion sting post.

Twitter Count

3,618 Followers – That is a healthy twitter following. Mat Siltala has been a very busy busy body on twitter. His follower to follow ratio is fantastic. He puts out a steady stream of useful content. And he laughs out loud some funny infographics. But can twitter compete with the socialness of facebook?

Facebook Social Weight

Friends (602) – Clearly Mat is more selective with his Facebook audience. With a count of 602 the facebook audience is a fraction of Mat’s Google+ and Twitter following. But honestly, Facebook seems to be more intimate. Mat’s lower friend count is because Mat is selective about who views his Facebook stream. And in Mat’s case, he shares things that are bit more private. So I naturally believed that Facebook would be the best setting for a conversation about scorpion stings. Regular life happens on facebook.

And the Scorpion Sting Survey Says…

Twitter wins!

So wait… twitter isn’t just about news and high-tech stuff? You can actually have a conversation on twitter about life? Do you want to know what I had for breakfast?

Okay… I will keep the meal tweets to a minimum. But I was shocked that twitter got the bulk of the interaction. Granted, this wasn’t a planned out scientific test so there are a number of variables that alter this example. But even still, a pest control guy can pick up a conversation on twitter about bugs. And if you know how to converse then you can effectively communicate with twitter. If you can communicate then you can market.

What are your thoughts on operation Scorpion Sting?

Related Articles

I know sad that I must blog my own quotes…

Likable = Linkable

As Shakespeare so put it, “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Apparently this tweet was liked, as I received some mentions on it. This concept is the summation of a key element in search engine rankings and therefore the core of gaining search engine rankings.

Is Content King?

The search engines want to believe that the best content on the internet will win. They gauge this by links. If you like something then you will share it with others by linking to it. Who hasn’t gotten an email with a link in it to a funny video. Funny is almost always likable. Who doesn’t like things that are funny?… Okay maybe its not best to crack a joke when in a heated argument with a wife. But let’s not get into timing right now. The idea of the search engine tallying up links is to find the sites that are most liked by all. Content should incite people to like you. Content should give people a reason to link to you.

Offline Likability = Online Linkability

To expand this concept one step further, I believe your offline likability is also proportionate to your online link-ability. This is going beyond what the search engine would expect. Search Engine’s believe that people more likely to naturally link to an awesome hotel’s website after having a fantastic weekend of sterling customer service. Hence the best hotel wins. LUMPS - SEOI ..Perhaps. But popularity of lesser hotels may out weigh the likability of awesome less known hotels. I believe we are now taking this one step further. I am more compelled to share articles from individuals that I know and like. I win more links from people I meet and establish a relationship with. Take for instance Dennis G., he’s likable and thus linkable. I am much more likely to link to Ebay after having met Dennis.

We could even Expand this chain to:

 Likable = Linkable = Tweetable = Diggable = Stumbleable = Remarkable = Rankable

As one comment I received stated… “Wow, thanks for that. I have to summarize today why losing links is a big deal, ane explain why they are going to lose their rankings.”

Glad I could help. =)

“So this is good and dandy for individuals but what about businesses. Are we in business to be friends with people?”

If you have not figured out the new online order, YES, YOU NEED TO MAKE FRIENDS.  Granted, being likable does not mean being buddy-buddy. You don’t need to be a BFF. But as a business you do need to serve a purpose and people need to like you doing that service. Disney probably puts it the best:

“Do what you do so well, that the people who see you do it, will want to see you do it again, and will bring others to see you do it.

Adding a smile to your service helps bring them back for more. Being friendly helps them share your business with their friends. In today’s online world this is amplified over several thousand social connections. Social media works best for those that know how to act socially acceptable and be sociable. I am a pest control guy. My first priority is to get rid of bugs, my second is to make you smile a little longer.

Now go out and be LIKABLE!

Google’s latest PPC test.

Posted: January 28, 2011 by Thos003 in Google Updates
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Find my full article here:  Google uses landing page optimization.

SEO Aware Contest

Posted: January 19, 2011 by Thos003 in Just for Fun, SEO
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Not my contest but @SEOaware‘s contest.  If you are not following her then you should be. She asks some really hard questions of the SEO world and of the search engines.  She believes that SEO’s should make problems known to the SERPs. And she feels the SERPs should respect the balance they run with SEO practitioners in the internet EcoSphere.

To enter her contest click here:

SEO Aware Contest

Take note of those individuals that have left comments there.  You will find a good set of heads running through her blog.  Play on.

BTW… Love the fact that this photo of Dennis shows up for SEO People

SEO Philosophy

Posted: September 1, 2010 by Thos003 in Just for Fun, SEO
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If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

I hated this “philosophical” question when I first heard it, but philosophy is not found in the quick logic that suggest “yes, it will make a sound.” For those that endeavor to understand philosophy, the question itself should cause us to reach into the creative cognitive reasoning part of our brain, to ask the question, to understand the possibilities, and to draw a conclusion based on our core beliefs. Therein lies the philosophical part.  To stretch one’s mind a bit to the possible answers and the reasoning behind those answers.  Truthfully I don’t like to argue every insignificant point, detail, or question. One could easily get lost in the philosophies of men.  Following down paths of obscure logic to pointless directionless locations is most often a waste of time. So why then even begin such banter? Because if we have not traveled into the darkness from time to time then we have not explored new possibilities to find better roads. But it’s a delicate balance between wasting all our time in the darkness and vigorously pursuing known paths to new heights.

What is philosophy?

(I almost feel like I should stop right there, but being encouraged by Alan’s recent post The Psychology of SEO I will do my best to complete my thought.)

Take your pick of definitions… EnyMeanyMinyMoo… I pick number 7 to go.

7. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory:

How I see a philosophy;  a core set of beliefs based on an entity’s principles, logic, and reasoning. Yes, both reasoning and logic. Although some would argue that philosophy is “a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means.” I feel that humans have the ability to reason for a purpose and that reasoning, speculation, and observation can lead us to a greater understanding. If logic is the study of arguments, and reasoning is the drawing of conclusions then both are good ingredients when developing a philosophy.

Why develop a philosophy for SEO?


Research-based Doctor of Philosophy

There are many that believe that SEO is constantly changing.  SEO today isn’t what it was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 5 months ago.  Even those that pronounce SEO dead.  Those that chase after the blowing sands of SEO could find themselves in quick sand or buried in the next desert sand storm.  How do we then avoid the pitfalls of the changing winds?  We develop a deeper understanding of how the winds change, why the winds change, and the pressures that affect those changes. We seek to understand the winds. Once we understand the wind, it’s patterns, it’s reasons, it’s methodology, we can then apply that understanding to our values and/or test it against our  interests.

There must come a point when researching and reasoning develop into a core belief.  An entity must take a philosophical approach bridging the gaps between the anecdotal information, the statistical analysis, and the written declarations. Can one simply believe and accept that the search engine wants to provide its users with the best results when they are for profit organizations? Should we argue points on why a search engine wants irrelevant and spammy results showing up? The end in any of these questions should be what beliefs will we subscribe to.  How will those beliefs affect our SEO? If we make such beliefs and draw conclusion then we can develop our SEO philosophy. The reason for doing so is that a core philosophy in SEO will allow you to move beyond the newest trendiest SEO topics. It will help anchor us in the shifting sands. It will provide a foundation to build on instead of leaving us running to and fro with shifting winds looking for better ground. Your SEO philosophy should be well founded so that you don’t loose site of your SEO architecture and strategy.

Here are a few SEO philosophy that have developed with or without the practitioners awareness:

The Mad Black Hatter

“I believe that the search engine wants to mandate it’s laws and rules but doesn’t wish to hire the police officers to enforce the law.” (Paraphrasing a conversation I had with a very effective SEO veteran.)

This particular mad hatter makes a lot of money bending the rules and in turn actually makes the search engine money.  It would seem that his logic is that money rules the roost for both himself and the search engine.  It even appears to be a win-win for both! Other black hatters complain that “the search engines use automation so why can’t I?”  They argue that they are simply following the examples of the search engines and the fact that their tactics work are proof that they are giving the search engines what they want.

The Gray Matter

If it’s not written then it is free game.  But don’t break the speed limit any more than the guy next you. Doesn’t everyone know that you won’t get pulled over at 10 mph over the speed limit?

The White Washed Hatter

The search engines are clear in their terms of service.  They provide ample resources for webmasters to use so that webmasters can do it the right way.  Their intent in providing so much for free is so that we can trust them. Site structure alone is sufficient to get sites ranked. If you build it well enough then you will get found and people will link to you and return. Natural and organic growth is the best way to do it. Search engines have and do remove websites from their index.  The search engines do set up algorithms to beat out scammers and spammers and they continue to develop their software to be more accurate.  The more rules the search engines create  the better we can follow and the better the system will work.

Developing your SEO philosophy

Read. Contemplate. Watch. Listen. Learn.  Move beyond pure numbers. Move beyond speculation alone. Use both reason and logic to understand the search engines, the variety of search engines, and their core values. Then evaluate your business model and what values your business carries. Align your goals and values with the goals and values of the search engines, as you perceive them, and you have a SEO philosophy. Ground your efforts in that core philosophy.

One of my personal philosophies is to try and live by the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. But if push comes to shove, the spirit of the law usually trumps the letter of the law. So I am sorry, but if my load speed on a site is a little slow due to more graphics and/or higher quality graphics and the search engine wants to ding me, I must subscribe to what my visitors want.

I know for a pest control guy that usually cracks jokes this post is going to be out of my genre, but I am not a static character.

“Relationships are not defined by a single moment but are a summation of all moments spent together.”

Philosophy Two, I love my job by choice.  =)

Info-Graph Spam for Pakistan Flood

Posted: August 25, 2010 by Thos003 in SEO
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I thought the purpose of hosting an info graph was to generate links that point to that info graph. Meaning, I create a concise, quick, easy to read, informational spread that provides good enough info that people will want to share. Adding spammy links??? Irrelevant links looking for only anchor text link building, yeah that’s pretty lame. It would also probably hurt your efforts since those that “get it” won’t push crap around. But does having links included make it spammy???…that could be in the eye of the beholder.

I was recently reading a blog where the blogger “apologized” for using his client as an example…. That’s a little extreme. If I am paying you to do SEO then I would hope that I would be used as an example where relevant and useful. If the information is good enough,the links relevant, and/or if they add to the conversation, please do include links on your info graph.

Not that I agree with the guys trying to scam links or trying to make it appear relevant and therefore get purchases because people believe buying vouchers is helping Pakistan… But if there needs to be a sponsor for an info graph then so be it. I don’t look negatively at GoDaddy for sponsoring the “Walk for the cure” in Phoenix every year.

Do I think that spammers will bring the death of the info graph? Not hardly.

Read Full Post here: Pakistan Floodbait: The End of The Info-Graphic