Posts Tagged ‘funny’

Good-Bye 2013 It’s been great

Posted: December 31, 2013 by Thos003 in Just for Fun
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While the idea of getting old lacks some luster, I must say each year accumulates more memories, more love, and more life. I love that despite life not being perfect that each year is a little better than the last. I look back and say, “Wow” and then look forward excited for more.

And despite one of my favorite Princess Bride movie lines, “LIFE IS PAIN, your highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something” I must say, Life is awesome.

But then again I am a Marketer.


Happy New Year!

Scorpions and spiders at the top of the list isn’t much of a shock but…

Cats are a pest?

Frankly I am a little surprised that “CAT” was ranked so high. Is there really that much of a love hate relationship with cats? So let’s poll the audience:

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(Photo of actual coupon in front of Carl’s Junior widow.)

Took my coupon into Carl’s Jr today… Found that I was paying 2 cents more to use it! LOL.

Oh and if you buy a drink, get the 44oz..

sm: 1.49
med: 1.79
Large: 1.00

Perhaps they have found a way to combat coupon dependency.

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3 of 5 Trending Topics on Google Plus Have Hashtags.

Pretty funny considering hashtags are a twitter thing. Perhaps google+ should just copy that as well, oh wait they already did about 4 months ago. Now just wondering when they will add a Red Google+ Bird.

Just goes to show that the Google+ crowd is the same twitter crowd. Are they just copying and pasting their tweets? I wonder who would get dinged for duplicate content in this scenario.


English: Google plus one

English: Google plus one (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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So it’s not everyday that a group of pest control guys get together and don’t have any bugs to squash. So the next best alternative is Dodge Ball. Yep. A group of grown men have out their differences on the dodge ball court… and here is the video for your viewing enjoyment.

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Story from

“…But do you recall? The most famous reindeer of all…Shooter The Good Deed Reindeer!”


OK, so he may not be the most famous, but he certainly is the most thoughtful and service oriented toward rodent-kind.

Shooter the Good Deer Reindeer

Shooter, resident of the Pocatello Zoo in Idaho, was seen by zoo staff awkwardly handling his water trough. The large animal, which at times can be a bit overbearing for many of the staffers, eventually was able to dip his head and gently retrieve a rat from his barrel. Shooter then laid the distressed rodent on the floor and proceeded to nudge him with his hoof until he had the strength to scurry away into the bushes on his own power.



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ASU based in Phoenix AZ awards this Cockroach the top 10 new species award. The Leaproach is the only known roach that can actually jump. Watch the slow motion video of this newly discovered species:

Wheweeee… now that is some good hopping.

What is curious is that the guy that discovered them claims: “The jumping motion likely didn’t evolve to avoid predators, although that may be a benefit. More likely, says Picker, it helps leaproaches spread out to find mates and track down their favorite food: Protein-packed grasshopper poop”

Hmmm… how does he know that it’s not a defensive evolution? And how can he be certain that they didn’t just pick up some super grasshopper poop laced with toxic grasshopper gene’s along the way? Perhaps the real story hear is that we now have evidence that Spider-man could actually have a plausible story line. Well that is, if Spider-man ate spider poop. “You are what you eat.”… “You eat poop for breakfast?”

Someone please call in the Phoenix Roach Control guys before I hurt myself!



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I was just emailed this photo… found it funny. Would love to see my neighbors do this. The guy down the street from me has 180 channels for Christmas lights on his home. He sets the lights by channels to music with a computer program that uses an equalizer, fade-in, fade-out, note recognition, instrument recognition… He has another program that helps him designate zones on the home so that he can construct his light show by zones. He tells me that Channel 4 news is going to be down to video tape his home this Friday night. I decided to help out and lend him a couple of power cords. Apparently the power cords are a bit of an expense. So if you see a home in Queen Creek AZ on the news… you know the pest control guy helped.

On a side note, this will be the first time ever that my home has Christmas lights up the day after Thanksgiving.

Hope the Turkey was good to you this year.

And yes… there are others blogging about Christmas lights as well.

Hello, my name is Oxxxxx Mxxxxxx and I am a Internet marketing
professional. I had done a Google search under the keyword shade sails
arizona and had run across your website I see
that you are not listed on the first page of Google for your particular

I am not sure if you’re aware of why you’re ranked this low but more
importantly how easily correctable this is.

There’s no reason that you can’t have top three rankings for the keyword
shade sails arizona based on your website structure and content. You have a
very nice site…


Wow… I am not sure what I was thinking. How did I miss the fact that I don’t rank for shade sail Arizona? Maybe if I had know about this stellar keyword then I could of dropped in Bulwark’s address at 40 N. Central Ave, Suite 1400, Phoenix, AZ 85004 and added it to our local search terms. Thanks for checking on this for me. Not even sure that I really know what a Shade Sail is, but I am pretty sure that I will be ranking for it shortly. But I think it would be more valuable for me to rank for Phoenix Pest Control, since I am an exterminator. Or maybe even Phoenix Scorpion Control. …Although it would be nice to sell some shade sails to all of our customers so that our technicians could work under a shade rather than the 120 degree heat. But I don’t think that’s an easy add on for a bug control guy.

In more recent new from Phoenix AZ:

I believe this about sums up the SEO’s encounter with the Panda.

Son: Dad can we get some more hits please?

Dad: No Google says we already have too much.

Google Panda: And just for asking… Bye-bye SEO shopping cart.

< Smashes the food on your table to oblivion >

Get in line… You never want to meet the Panda.

… Many SEOs and website owners aren’t laughing.

While I may jest about the Panda 2.2 roll out, many companies are struggling to keep afloat with Google’s new algorithm change. Desperately reaching for alternative methods to cope, like improper use of rel=canonical tags, to stop the blood flowing from their site’s life lines. When you put people in desperate situations you get panic and survival mode.

If you have seen the Kung Fu Panda 2.2 strike then you are not alone:

Reuben Yau with

Panda 2.2 Resources

Here are a few good resources to check out:

Panda 2.2 Results In Casualties & Some Recoveries

Slide Deck & Notes from Alan Bleiweiss SMX Advanced Google Survivor Preso

Barry Schwartz – Official: Google Panda Update 2.2 Is Live

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