Showing up for his first ever Google plus hangout…

Yes, Jon Henshaw brought a phone for his mic, and ear. Actually not a bad idea if you want to hang out at work and look like your are still busy.

“So if I don’t have a webcam, you pretty much can’t hangout in Google+”

Google+ hangout is probably the biggest advantage Google has over the competitors right now.

FYI- Turn off your email alerts or your Gmail will look like this:

So will Google+ survive?

The problem is that grandma from facebook may visit Google+ for a family video chat, but grandma doesn’t want to start over with a new platform. Facebook has the party, as much as they may be hated for user privacy. Yes, Facebook even made the top 19 most hated companies list by Rueters. So no one wants to pick up and leave. Any online community manager will tell you that “USERS HATE CHANGE.” Google+ is novel right now but will it fade?

If you want more on user feedback for Google Plus:

Final words from the pest control guy

What Google has failed to do is establish a core group of users. Pick a niche, develop a community, and build from there.

  1. Nick Roshon says:

    Haha, my gmail inbox looks like that too!

    I don’t have a webcam on any of my machines, so perhaps that’s part of the reason why I find Google+ to be particularly unimpressive.

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