Posts Tagged ‘facebook poll on healthcare’

In attempting to diagnosis the accuracy of the recent Healthcare Facebook Poll I have launched a new poll to determine how the facebook users classify themselves.


It would be fascinating to know how facebook users classify themselves.  Are facebook users conservative?  Are facebook users Liberal?  Or are they neutral?  How good of a sample are the facebook users?  Perhaps the polls started are reflective on the individual’s bias since facebook is a social media network and therefore individuals typically associate with like minded individuals.  And since polls and comments are only shared within that network the results are going to be skewed.  For that reason, when I launched the above poll I did nothing to promote it.  Currently there are not enough pollsters to be accurate, but the scale is tipping to one side. Take the Poll.

Conservative or Liberal?

Yes, I am sure that everyone has heard enough about Universal health care plan or the governmental health care plan.  But I found this interesting…

Health Care Plan Losing in Polls on Facebook! One poll shows 70% oppose the health care plan. Another shows that 75% oppose a government run health care system.

300,000+ votes... that means it should be accurate.

300,000+ votes... that means it should be accurate.

Facebook Health care poll #2 175,000 votes.

Facebook Health care poll #2 175,000 votes.

Interesting that the different questions have a 5% spread.  Either way the first one show 75% opposed to the Government Health Care. And the 2nd shows 70% opposed to Universal Health Care in the US.

These images were taken from a screen shot today at 6:48 PM Arizona Time.

If these polls are accurate then Obama didn’t win off his Health Care initiative… unless the poll has changed that much since the election.

Yes there are flaws in this poll.  The demographics on facebook only apply to individuals online, those that can’t afford a PC or internet access may be in favor of government health care.  However, I would still argue that the majority of the US does not support Government Health Care.